Course name ---------- Intelligent Agents 2 Lecturers ------- X. Parent, L. van der Torre X. Sun (Teaching assistant) Motivation: --------- This course is for the students interested in artificial intelligence, in particular formal reasoning. Normative reasoning studies how social norms, obligations and permissions can be formalized. This enables scientists to study various aspects of inter-agent coordination within a system (computer network, institution, organization, group . . . ). Objective -------- The objective of this course is to introduce students to formal methods for normative reasoning for agents (deontic logic) Description ---------- We will study three frameworks for normative reasoning that have dominated the landscape: standard deontic logic (SDL), dyadic deontic logic (DDL), and input/output logic (I/O logic). Basic issues from the deontic logic literature will be revisited using these tools (conflicts, reasoning about violation) In addition, students will work on a small project related to the course. The project paper should be an essay of 6 pages length. They will be presented by students durring the last lecture. Handhouts will be provided. This course will extend the course on Knowledge Representation, and complement the module "Selected topics in AI". Language: English Class hours: Thu 14:00-15:30 Location Room: B13 Grading system: final exam 50%; homework 25%; project 25%.